
Thursday, January 8, 2015

I Am Roses “End of the Year” Blog Hop Annocement

Hi my awesome and fabulous readers did you know? Did you see? I was the one the “WON” the I Am Roses “End of the Year” Blog Hop!!! That means you yes one of my fabulous followers was chosen to win!!!
Drum roll please! Here is the winner:
But where are you @ 48scrappin??? 
You have to come by the I Am Roses blog and claim your prize! 
So a great BIG congratulations and make sure to stop by and claim your prize.

I want to send a special shout out to all of you awesome ladies that follow my blog on a regular basis and take the time out to comment on my posts! You are truly special to me XOXO!

Monday, January 5, 2015

$20 Planner Challenge/52 Week Money Savings Challenge

You’re invited!!! 
 I’m calling all planner addicts 
Newbies =)
To welcome the New Year I have decided to do a $20 Planner Challenge and I’m inviting you to do the same. Recently I posted a video showing my new 2014 PlumPaper Designs Planner and some of my viewers posted the question of how you can achieve planning throughout the year on a dime! This got me brainstorming and I came up with the idea of a $20 Planner Challenge.
I scouted several of my favorite spots for example Michael’s, Barns & Noble, and Joanne’s for planners and accessories on a $20 budget. Can I hear and hear an applause? I think was I was pretty successful at finding a good planner for you on a tight budget! I was able to score Washi tape stickers, page flags, and planner for $19.63 and had a little change to spare.

I am tagging all of you to do the same. We can always use an extra planner for home, work, fitness, etc. especially for the less than $20.

I am also tagging you to do the 52 Week Money savings Challenge with me this year. We can keep each other accountable by using the #icarrillodesigns on Instagram. This is a nifty little tool/printable that can help you save about $1300 in a year giving you extra money for your pocket. You can find the printable at

Bellow I have a video showing you my shopping adventure and how to go about doing this challenge for yourself.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Plum Paper Designs Planner Unboxing First Impression & Review

Hi Everyone HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Stopping by to wish you the best in the New Year and share an unboxing with you.

I decided to buy a new planner for 2015. I did lots of searching for one either paper or electronic, that met my needs and finally settled on a planner from Plum Paper Designs on Etsy. There are several different layouts you can choose from and I felt the family planner was the best for me. I also added additional notes pages, checklists, and sticker sheets to my planner.
I have many things that will be taking place in 2015 and I feel that this planner will help me stay organized and on task.

This particular planner will have a permanent home on my desk for the year and I can already tell that it will do its job =)
This little workhorse has lots and lots options. There is a plethora of different designs to choose from for the cover along with many different layouts. They even have specialty type planners for teachers, students, wedding, meals, and fitness. Another plus are all the add-ons! You can add notes and checklists pages either to the end or throughout the planner. You can add sticker pages, photos, and additional contact pages too. Whatever you need to make the planner work best for you. For me the biggest selling point for this planner over some other similar ones on the market is the fact that you can order it any time of year and to start any month that works best for you. You can also add 6 months to you planner if you need that as well. Also it feel like it will be durable. There is a plastic cover, heavy duty spiral binding, and heavy weight paper throughout the planner. They also carry coordinating note books and I am seriously thinking of ordering a couple of those.

I am honestly pleased with my planner and will be posting updates on it once I have filled the pages with my life events!

I have ordered some other planners as well that I will be making reviews and unboxings on later this month so stay tuned for those!